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Beach Riding Experiences all over the UK

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Location list for Beach Riding Experiences

    Yarmouth, Isle Of Wight
    Pendine, Carmarthenshire
    Dolgellau, Gwynedd

#34184 1 Hour Beach Ride for 2 Adults at Yarmouth, Isle Of Wight Southeast
Beach Riding Experience picture

Enjoy the West Wight scenery as you explore the beach and water's edge at Yarmouth on one of our well schooled horses or ponies.Beginners welcome. Available off-season only.Valid for 2 riders.

75 minutes, with 1 hour in the saddle.
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#33993 Estuary and Beach ride for experienced riders x1 at Dolgellau, Gwynedd Wales
Beach Riding Experience picture

What better way to spend a lazy summers day than a ride along the splendid sandy beach of Fairbourne. Splashing in the waves your cares will drift away. This ride is suitable for experienced riders only lovely canter/gallop along the sand

2 hours duration
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#38276 Estuary and Beach ride for beginners riders x 2 at Dolgellau, Gwynedd Wales
Beach Riding Experience picture

What better way for you and a friend to spend a lazy summers day than a Trek along the beautiful Mawddach Estuary & sandy beach on horseback, breathtaking views of mountains and out to sea & the Pretty Barmouth Harbor.Begginers and novices

2 hours duration
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#33992 Estuary and Beach ride for Experienced riders x 2 at Dolgellau, Gwynedd Wales
Beach Riding Experience picture

What better way for you and a friend to spend a lazy summers day than a ride to the beach for a lovely canter/gallop along the sand and with the waters edge taking in the magnificent views of the mountains and beautiful Mawddach Estuary

2 hours duration
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#41996 Horse Riding on the Beach at Pendine, Carmarthenshire Wales
Beach Riding Experience picture

The chance for an experienced rider to enjoy a gallop along the beach where you may be lucky enough to ride on Pendine Sands - tides permitting - and let the horse take you across the sands and splashing through the surf.

150 minutes duration
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