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own a pony experiences at Oswestry South

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Location list for own a pony experiences

    Oswestry South, Shropshire
    Bradford, Yorkshire
    Manor Park, London
    Pendine, Carmarthenshire

#37650 Pony Morning for Children at Oswestry South, Shropshire Midlands
Own a pony Experience picture

Come along and learn how to look after a Pony with our 'Own a Pony' morning.Includes grooming; stable management and a one hour ride.Lunch available - not included.

3 hours duration
..more details

#39510 Pony Morning for 2 Children at Oswestry South, Shropshire Midlands
Own a pony Experience picture

Chance for you and a friend to come along and learn how to look after a Pony with our 'Own a Pony' morning.Includes grooming; stable management and a one hour ride.Lunch available - not included.

3 hours duration
..more details