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Horse riding lessons at Pendine

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Location list for Horse riding lessons

    Bradford, Yorkshire
Northern Ireland
    Moira, County Armagh
    Manor Park, London
    Tadworth, Surrey
    Burgess Hill, Sussex
    Yelverton, Devon
    Salisbury East, Wiltshire
    Pendine, Carmarthenshire

#33972 Private beginner riding lesson for child at Pendine, Carmarthenshire Wales
Horse riding lesson picture

For absolute beginnners, a private riding lesson of 30 minutes.

45 minutes, with 30 minutes in the saddle.
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#22896 Lesson and Hack for 3 at Pendine, Carmarthenshire Wales
Horse riding lesson picture

Chance for you and two friends to have a half hour riding lesson followed by a half an hour hack through our own woodland - a truly relaxing experience.

60 minutes duration
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#30008 Lesson and Hack for 4 at Pendine, Carmarthenshire Wales
Horse riding lesson picture

Chance for you and three friends to have a half hour riding lesson followed by a half an hour hack through our own woodland - a truly relaxing experience.

60 minutes duration
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