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Multi activity experience (H4A)s at Yarmouth

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Location list for Multi activity experience (H4A)s

    Yarmouth, Isle Of Wight
    Salisbury East, Wiltshire
    Pendine, Carmarthenshire

#34176 Pony Party for 4 at Yarmouth, Isle Of Wight Southeast
Multi activity experience (H4A) picture

It is Party Time - a pony Party! After meeting the ponies you will enjoy a gymkana event including rosettes - just like the real thing. Don't forget to bring the family to cheer you on! Why not bring a picnic? Beginners welcome.

2 hours duration
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#34185 Pony Party for 6 at Yarmouth, Isle Of Wight Southeast
Multi activity experience (H4A) picture

It is Party Time - a pony Party! After meeting the ponies you will enjoy a gymkana event including rosettes - just like the real thing. Don't forget to bring the family to cheer you on! Why not bring a picnic? Beginners welcome.Valid for 6.

2 hours duration
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