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Horse riding experiences in London

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#33930 Childrens birthday party for 2 at Manor Park, London Southeast
Horse riding experience picture

A party with ponies ! Fabulous opportunity to spend a couple of hours with the ponies, brushing them, tacking them up, having a lesson and then riding them on a trek by the River

140 minutes, with 120 minutes in the saddle.
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#33927 Weekend Hack at Manor Park, London Southeast
Hacking Experience picture

On arrival you will be introduced to your horse/pony and kitted out with hat and boots if required. Then it's off for a ride on Wanstead Flats, commonland at the southern end of Epping Forest. Each voucher entitles one person to participate

75 minutes, with 1 hour in the saddle.
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#33931 Own a Pony morning at Manor Park, London Southeast
Own a pony Experience picture

Learn about caring for a pony, what does he eat, how you should groom him, how will you whether know if he is happy or not? Includes a riding session

3 hours duration
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#33929 Childrens Riding experience at Manor Park, London Southeast
Horse riding experience picture

A great experience for any child from 6 years upwards to include meeting the pony, grooming them, a 30 minute riding lesson and a 30 minute trek around the river ride accompanied by the Instructor on foot.

100 minutes, with 90 minutes in the saddle.
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#33925 Weekend Hack at Manor Park, London Southeast
Hacking Experience picture

On arrival you will be introduced to your horse/pony and kitted out with hat and boots if required. Then it's off for a ride on Wanstead Flats, commonland at the southern end of Epping Forest. Each voucher entitles one person to participate

75 minutes, with 1 hour in the saddle.
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#33926 Weekend Hack at Manor Park, London Southeast
Hacking Experience picture

On arrival you will be introduced to your horse/pony and kitted out with hat and boots if required. Then it's off for a ride on Wanstead Flats, commonland at the southern end of Epping Forest. Each voucher entitles one person to participate

75 minutes, with 1 hour in the saddle.
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#26779 Private Dressage Practice at Manor Park, London Southeast
Dressage Experience picture

Private hours tuition on one of our horses practising dressage tests from Introductory to elementary level according to experience.

1 hour duration
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#26780 One Hour Private Lesson at Manor Park, London Southeast
Horse riding lesson picture

One Hour private Tuition by qualified Instructors on one of our Horses/Ponies

1 hour duration
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#26781 Private half hour lessons at Manor Park, London Southeast
Horse riding lesson picture

30 minute private lesson with a qualified Instructor on one of our horses or ponies for one to one tuition

30 minutes duration
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#33928 Childs 30 minute private hack at Manor Park, London Southeast
Hacking Experience picture

For beginners and small children, a half hour walk along the ride on the banks of the River Roding. Rider will be led by the instructor on foot.

40 minutes, with 30 minutes in the saddle.
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