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Horse riding experiences all over the UK

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Location list for Horse riding experiences

    Manor Park, London
    Liskeard (H), Cornwall
    Salisbury East, Wiltshire
    Pendine, Carmarthenshire

#32805 One hour hack for 1 person at Liskeard (H), Cornwall Southwest
Horse riding experience picture

Come and have an hours hack through our beautiful venue: 40 acres of private gardens, woodlands and meadows in the fantastic Cornish countryside!

1 hour duration
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#32803 2 hour hack for 1 person at Liskeard (H), Cornwall Southwest
Horse riding experience picture

Come and have an hours hack through our beautiful venue: 40 acres of private gardens, woodlands and meadows in the fantastic Cornish countryside!

2 hours duration
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#32786 One hour hack for 2 people at Liskeard (H), Cornwall Southwest
Horse riding experience picture

Come and have an hours hack through the beautiful 40 acres of private gardens, woodlands and meadows in the fantastic Cornish countryside. Voucher for 2 people.

1 hour duration
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#32804 2 hour hack for 2 people at Liskeard (H), Cornwall Southwest
Horse riding experience picture

Come and have an hours hack through our beautiful venue: 40 acres of private gardens, woodlands and meadows in the fantastic Cornish countryside! Voucher valid for two people.

2 hours duration
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#33929 Childrens Riding experience at Manor Park, London Southeast
Horse riding experience picture

A great experience for any child from 6 years upwards to include meeting the pony, grooming them, a 30 minute riding lesson and a 30 minute trek around the river ride accompanied by the Instructor on foot.

100 minutes, with 90 minutes in the saddle.
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#33930 Childrens birthday party for 2 at Manor Park, London Southeast
Horse riding experience picture

A party with ponies ! Fabulous opportunity to spend a couple of hours with the ponies, brushing them, tacking them up, having a lesson and then riding them on a trek by the River

140 minutes, with 120 minutes in the saddle.
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#33973 Pony party for 4 children at Pendine, Carmarthenshire Wales
Horse riding experience picture

A pony party for children aged between 6 and 10. Just add cake!

1 hour duration
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#33976 Pony party for 6 children at Pendine, Carmarthenshire Wales
Horse riding experience picture

A pony party for children aged between 6 and 10. Just add cake!

1 hour duration
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#33975 Pony party for 8 children at Pendine, Carmarthenshire Wales
Horse riding experience picture

A pony party for children aged between 6 and 10. Just add cake!

1 hour duration
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#29748 Mechanical Horse Taster session at Salisbury East, Wiltshire Southwest
Horse riding experience picture

30 minute instruction session on Lancelot the mechanical horse. Opportunity to work on your basic position or more advanced positioning for lateral work etc. without outside distractions.

45 minutes, with 30 minutes in the saddle.
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