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Horse riding experiences at Manor Park

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Location list for Horse riding experiences

    Manor Park, London
    Liskeard (H), Cornwall
    Salisbury East, Wiltshire
    Pendine, Carmarthenshire

#33929 Childrens Riding experience at Manor Park, London Southeast
Horse riding experience picture

A great experience for any child from 6 years upwards to include meeting the pony, grooming them, a 30 minute riding lesson and a 30 minute trek around the river ride accompanied by the Instructor on foot.

100 minutes, with 90 minutes in the saddle.
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#33930 Childrens birthday party for 2 at Manor Park, London Southeast
Horse riding experience picture

A party with ponies ! Fabulous opportunity to spend a couple of hours with the ponies, brushing them, tacking them up, having a lesson and then riding them on a trek by the River

140 minutes, with 120 minutes in the saddle.
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